After a very relaxing break, the PomPom team are super excited to ring in the new year with huge plans in the works!
From a super-sized Work Ready Kāpiti #EmployerMeet coming up in March to taking on more responsibilities with EVolocity as their Event Managers’ for the National competition and Coordinator roles for the Waikato, Manawatu and Wellington regions, we are definitely hitting the ground running for 2022!
The #SuperMeet will be focusing on connecting youth and employers in the Kāpiti region. This is a FREE event open to all Kāpiti youth between the ages of 15-24, aimed at supporting them to become work ready and connecting them to local industry.
When: Thursday, 24th March 2022 - 5.00pm - 8.00pm
Where: Southwards Car Museum, Otaihanga
If you are a Kāpiti local wanting to get involved in the community and help youth get work ready, why not come along and support the Kāpiti community and the workforce of its future!
Click here to Register now!
With the current government guideline requirements regarding the traffic light system, we are making sure all 2022 events are in line with these requirements and following best practise. This means we have been able to adapt all our planned events to date, to fit within this framework!
We are looking forward to getting out and about again soon.